Saturday, November 28, 2020

ok so a few things here

ok so a few things here

one, this is a masterful fisking and you should spend 20 minutes on the whole thing. really. and if I can’t believe I made it through the whole thread imagine reading this entire suit to create the thread
Unroll available on Thread Reader

two, sidney powell should be told if she appears in court the judge will pull a lever opening a trap door that will dump her down a half mile shaft into a decommissioned sulphur mine

and three, this suit is as bad as it is in all aspects because it does not exist to serve a legal function. it exists to create ten years of content for the internet maniacs who exist in the sidney powell universe
this suit is the equivalent of disney dumping ten dozen new full-length marvel and star wars movies onto disney plus in a single day. it’s content overload for the sake of creating a nonstop discussion of content
that it is legally incoherent and legally indistinguishable from having diarrhea in zero gravity is entirely irrelevant to the legion of nuts who just love posting snippets of “legal documents” containing new characters and plotlines to fuel the conspiracy ecosystem
so don’t fall into the trap of asking why the trump campaign would embarrass themselves. they have no capacity for embarrassment. the only objective here is to keep the alt-realitists busy for as long as possible chasing down every bizarre character & plot point

the alt-realitists are fairly described as many different things but above all they share one overarching taxonomic family - they are fictional universe nerds. complete and total fuckin fictional universe nerds, and not the harmless & fun kind of fictional universe nerds
unlike harmless & fun fictional universe nerds (d&d, anime, star wars, comics, harry potter, whatever, you name it), the alt-realists live in the same timeline as the fiction. which means the fiction must constantly be replenished as real life events necessitate new storylines
trump losing is a huge problem for the fuel tank of this universe, because the very concept in and of itself is already in violation of the primary narrative thread that’s sustained the fictional universe. it’s a collapsing neutron star at the core of the whole ecosystem.
because the alt-realitists have demonstrated they can convey political power in the real world, having command of them is a valuable political asset. so they must be fed copious amounts of bullshit in the hopes of maintaining the ecosystem in the face of an out-of-power trump

they could feed themselves as long as trump stayed in office but with him gone, this valuable political asset is liable to decay into uselessness. so the new responsibility of the sidney powells of the world is to shovel bushels & bushels of chum into the hopper to keep them fed
conspiracists don’t struggle with plotlines getting blown up by reality because they can just recreate new, larger conspiracies out of the rubble to patch them back together. but where the alt-realitists are different is because they are nerds they actually love the exercise
the only way they stop having fun with it is if the content mine runs dry, at which point they start running on fumes & getting bored. so the new content is pivotal to keeping the nerd gang together spotting easter eggs & arguing over what kind of web shooters spider man has
for what it’s worth I don’t think this approach will actually work, for reasons I’ve gotten into before. primarily, the problem is not having power is ultimately lethal to cults of power. it just doesn’t work. but they’re gonna give it the ol college try

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